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Hearty Welcome to Pasyanthi’s Account Page, here you can view

List of enrolled courses, Course Progress, edit your profile etc

Steps to access the Course

Scroll down to view list of courses enrolled – Click on course Enrolled – Lessons display on left side

How to complete a course? what is the methodology ?

This course is structured and all steps in the course needs to be followed in order, after viewing each lesson, it has to be marked as complete to move to next lesson, Once you complete the lesson, it turns green

Where can I view my course progress, quiz results etc?

Beside course name, check progress or expand all option to view the course progress, Quiz scores etc

Our Most Popular Courses

Please find below a list of courses offered by Pasyanthi



Creating Magic Squares using Vedic Maths

This ancient Indian art of creating magic squares promotes logical thinking, analytical thinking opens up the mind to lateral thinking etc

Cert in Super Memory Techniques

Learm about Mnemonics to remember just about anything and everything.Mnemonics is the scientific approach to organise our memory. 
Coming soon

Ayurveda – Science of Life

According to Ayurveda “With proper diet and lifestyle, there is no need for medicine; without proper diet and lifestyle, there is no use for medicine.”

40 Day Wellness Challenge

Wellness is defined as “a balance between body, mind, spirit, and social Wellbeing.".We invite you to take up simple and effective 40 day wellness challenge

Ancient Wellness Tips for Modern Age

Learn some simple Ancient scienctific tips relevant to modern age.Tips are simple, easy to follow and apply in day to day life

Introduction to Super Memory Techniques

Mnemonics is the word referred to as "an Aid to Memory".Mnemonics is the scientific approach to organise our memory
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